How To: Create a custom wave form in After Effects

Create a custom wave form in After Effects

In the first part of this After Effects tutorial, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to create a customized, sound-reactive waveform using a stroke, a distortion effect and an expression. One reason you may want to do this is if you need a rounded wave (ie: a sine wave). Once you have your rounded wave, part two shows you how to improve the look of the customized waveform by changing it's amplitude

Create a custom wave form in After Effects - Part 1 of 2

Create a custom wave form in After Effects - Part 1 of 2 Click through to watch this video on

Create a custom wave form in After Effects - Part 2 of 2

Create a custom wave form in After Effects - Part 2 of 2 Click through to watch this video on

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