What happens when a bunch of Bollywood filmmakers unleash their imagination with the aid of Maya and After Effects (plus lots and lots of paisas)? The sci-fi flick Enthiran (Robot), the most expensive Indian film ever produced.
Non-stop action, violence, explosions... absolutely SICK sfx...Actually, Redditor mustardhamsters has generously compiled a list of what you have to look forward to:
- Robots
- Super human powers
- Cars
- More guns
- Geometric shapes
- Helicopters
- Snakes made of robots
- Rockets
- Wilhelm scream
- Indian dubbed over by Russian
- Babes
- Horrible punchlines
- Explosions
- Hi-tech nonsense
- Karate
- Legions of henchmen
- One key press takes down the baddies
- Heads spinning around
- Glass cases full of body parts
Yep, it's that good. See for yourself. The 10-minute, Russian-dubbed legendary action sequence excerpted from the film:
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